June 23, 2023

Maximise impact of HSF with effective marketing and communications

How to maximise the impact of your HSF campaign with effective marketing and comms

Inevitably, some of those eligible for the Household Support Fund (HSF) may have slipped through the cracks during the initial outreach period. By utilising the correct marketing channels, those who may have been missed, are given the vital opportunity to learn about and apply for HSF.

As the guidance from the government outlines, HSF must be clearly advertised to residents and local communities. This means a focused marketing and communication plan is vital. We’ve outlined the following HSF marketing and communication planning and activities to ensure the fund is promoted effectively, including a free marketing plan.

Reach the Right People

  • Where do those eligible go for support? Libraries, Citizens Advice centres, food banks, housing offices or shelters.
  • Which community events or community centres do they attend?  
  • Which social media channels do they access?
  • Do they have email and get info from their local authority or local charity or food bank?
  • Where do they go shopping locally?
  • Which radio stations do they listen to and what local news do they watch?
  • If they have access to the internet and the council website?
    What barriers have they got when applying for HSF?

Use Multiple Marketing Channels
Once it's clear where residents can be reached, pick the most appropriate marketing channels to get the information to them. This can include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email, press releases for local newspapers or posters for community events.  

Letters and Support Packs
Letters can be used as a great way of getting in touch to let people know they may be eligible for HSF. Targeting in this way means that individuals in the household can be shown how to apply for HSF with appropriate signposting to telephone numbers, online application forms, support agencies and cheaper retailers.

Clear Messaging
Develop clear and concise messaging that communicates the purpose and benefits of the fund. Make sure it’s really easy to understand and, where appropriate, provide it in multiple languages and make it accessible for those who may have disabilities.

Create specific pages outlining everything someone would need to know about HSF and how to apply for it. Warwickshire County Council has created a Cost of Living Hub where residents can find information related to HSF and other local welfare initiatives

Build Partnerships
Build partnerships with local organisations and community groups to help promote the fund. This could include working with schools, churches, and community centres to distribute marketing materials, and partnering with local businesses to provide additional support e.g. Severn Trent Water's Big Difference Scheme.

Create Outreach Events
Host in-person outreach events, either council run or through TPOs, to raise awareness of the fund and encourage individuals to apply for support, such as community meetings, workshops, and information sessions.

Payment Partners
If you are working with a voucher provider like Huggg, then make it clear in marketing materials and on websites. It may be confusing to receive an email or a text message from a business like Huggg rather than the council, if not pre advised.

Local Press and Radio
Issuing a press release to local journalists can be an effective way of gaining reach and coverage for HSF, especially when applications open. Social interest stories generate much more interest from the press than a simple announcement. Local radio adverts have proven to be a cost effective way of reaching households if there is a large geographical area to cover.

Measurement and Evaluation
Understanding the impact the marketing is having, which channels are working, and which aren’t as effective, is vital to success. Establish clear metrics for measuring the success of each of the channels; such as the number of applications received, the number of households that received support, and the overall impact of the fund on the community.

Whilst we appreciate each local authority has its own marketing teams, we’ve produced an outline marketing template to help structure the approach to marketing and comms, to ensure that the scheme can be promoted effectively.  

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